Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Audiorider U 300 Reviews

no evil, that blows no good.

They say there's an ill wind that blows no good, that what does not kill you or make you fat or stronger. That what goes down, that a brave face and whoever sows wind reaps the whirlwind. Life will return what you give. That as you give the shots. That everyone deserves a second chance and never the second parts were good. Whoever plays with fire burning and who snuggles up to good tree, good shade shelters him. Tell me with whom you and tell you who you are. That fishing in troubled river. In April, thousands of water. That spring alters blood and that all men are equal. That it is better known evil that good to know, and a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. That man and the more hairy bear, more beautiful and that the fate of the beautiful ugly desires. All trades who is that by the mouth the fish dies. That out of sight out of mind and a barking dog seldom bites, never say this will not drink water because the wise few words are missing. That does not sting like scabies and Loose lips sink ships. That do not look good and to whom. And I say, that's easier said than done is a good way!

( the photo is my sister Aïna. By the way, I'm much better, although it is not happening to me, that is all over me .. I have no time for anything, try to distribute it, and all spins. In short, I hope this is just a bad run, luckily I have a short time to stop by here and vent a bit! Besitos bloggers, I hope you are all well! )


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