Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Keep Office Equipment Clean And Hygienic

I call alibi Ballard the mechanism by which some snobs, among whom I count myself *, to practice lifelong vacation (beach, sun and circus) we convince ourselves that we are actually doing cultural observation period **. Others, when eaten paella scented cream, enjoy it as pigs, period. But we do not, we are tourists worship. We know there is a close relationship between this experience, otherwise, super tacky, and mass tourism, speculation property or the aesthetics of cinema English custom of the sixties, and we know that napping under an umbrella or watching a sunset at the coast so urbanized are acts relating density social, historical and cultural as a sixteenth century Flemish tapestry . But others are not, because they are idiots, others always are, and have not read JG Ballard or anything of cultural theory.


snobs, I know you are legion (now you will say that you noooo), let's not bagpipes. Those in the towel next to share the same experience with the same intensity, and we also observed by corner of my eye thinking that they, they themselves are different. I'm going to Germany, because I have done in August in July, but I'll be watching: do the favor of getting very dark, eat paella with lots of sand and climb those great photos to Facebook, although a shit, time and snobs of the future will know them fair value.

* It is also a character trait of "we the snobs" we like to explain the jokes.
** Others who are not snobs but we like to say that they do for children, comes to the same thing. Instead of Ballard in this case we could talk about the alibi of the mat SpongeBob , but since I have kids I'm not sure how it manifests.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Best Base For Playset


I already missed ... I've been missing a while, for a personal glitches, nothing that time and a lot of people who love me will not cure! In return anything to get into the kitchen and publish a lot of good things for you all, I promise!

Today I present this award gives me my queridisisima Sebe, which I am very grateful for remembering me ... you can see if your blog here Sebe CUISINE Thank beautiful. Soon we shall see, the 31st July if all goes well! hehe!

Now I have to give this award to other cooking blogs, and it is not easy, because there are so many good ... I leave many without a prize.

So I make an exception and give this award to everyone who shares everything he knows about cooking with others, selflessly helping us when we have doubts about how to prepare a recipe, which advises that gives us courage when something goes wrong ... and invites us to try again, this award goes to all those people who, though we know them personally, have a huequecito in my heart!

vosotr To tod @ s @ s with great care, this award, I you deserve it!
Kisses to all!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

How Much Tattoo Cost In Perth

Ballard's alibi "Head bastards!" To read on the beach

summer What better than to return to the classics (juas-juas) and what better classic than a good dose of old agit-prop (juas-super-duper-juas juas). The below is the cover of "Motherfuckers! In the summer of love for love armed "edited by The Felguera in his collection Notes from Underground, which I bought in one of the stalls of booksellers anarchists who placed in the Plaza Tirso de Molina Madrid on Sunday.

- An Overview of Servando Rocha on anti-avant-garde art and direct action movements in the America of the late sixties that are the breeding ground for emerging newspaper Black Mask (not to be confused with another of the same name published in the years 20), the direct action group The Family (not to be confused with the Manson) and finally the Motherfuckers (or more precisely UAWM: Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers! sentence taken from a verse from "Black People!" by Leroi Jones) ;
- A current text of the Wise brothers, members of the British cell King Mob, about his connection to the European and American counter cultural scene;
- An interview the leader of the movement Motherfucker, Ben Morea, in 2006 after decades gone, where he reviews the genesis of the group, its relationship with the Beat Generation, the American radical left of the SDS (the split would lead to the famous "first guerrilla white urban middle class "The Weathermen ) or the Situationist International (which expelled several of its members for their support for Anglo Morea) and some of their most notorious actions as the MOMA closure, its role in the occupation Columbia University, the exchange of "trash for trash" at Lincoln Center in New York, the mock assassination of the poet Ken Koach or manifesto for Valerie Solanas (author of the SCUM Manifesto and shot the King of Pop Art Andy Warhol aka His Majesty);
- All texts and some pictures of the 10 issues of Black Mask, appeared among 1966 and 1968;
- Some Motherfuckers manifestos published in the newspaper The Rat during 1968;
- And a lot of images, as illustrations of fliers of the time or the mug shot of a very young and beautiful Frank Sinatra arrested for adultery in 1938.

is a work of documentation (and generous), which retrieves a lot of materials that would otherwise be rotting in the attic of one's mother of them (because almost all are them, and mothers are the best in the memories, also the radicals). Although it includes some explanations necessary to understand the context, it is not a trial of analysis or cultural criticism. And it's the right thing, because otherwise we would not be published by The Felguera (followers of the spirit of that time and, naturally, reluctant to recovery simplistic, it is not that there is but will not be the ones who make it), what Which is to say that would not be released at all.

The thread of what is said in the book is to be sought outside it, in works like "and this reckless to throw me mud of the narrative of the counterculture, tiradme stones if you think necessary, "the fundamental " The assault on culture. Lettrism utopian currents from a class war " Stewart Home or " Lipstick Traces. A secret history of the twentieth century "by Greil Marcus . If you put the issue can also refer to the group blog we did in the workshop mythologies, vanguards and activism Zemos during the festival in 2008, it is wrong to say it myself, but seeing it now seems that contains a resource base brutal on deconstructed punk and situations. For

wing, first read and then burn container, not the reverse that risk of repeating the Lacombe Lucien I wanted get into the maquis to give up the body and ended up in Nazi Vichy police chasing dissidents. The next post is dedicated to Gauche Divine, I swear.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Direct Rewards Platinum Discover

The Artvertiser. Advertisement is changed by artwork

Mugalari Published on May 28, 2010.

At a time when the technologies applied to urban surrender increasingly commercial exploitation Artvertiser The project proposes the opposite: to replace the ads on billboards, walls and buildings works of art subversive slogans.

When star of the movie "They Live" put sunglasses you found on the street by chance, he discovers the world around them is hiding a secret. Seen through them, the ads are actually subliminal messages that call to obedience and worship of money and the rulers, disguised aliens who use consumer society to dominate humanity. Directed by John Carpenter in 1988 and inspired by a science fiction story by Ray Nelson in the sixties, "They Live" is one of the references that the creator of The Artvertiser, New Zealander Julian Oliver , cites as inspiration of The Artvertiser project, which also collaborated programmer Damian Stewart and artists Clara Boj and Diego Diaz . The

Artvertiser takes the form of a pair of binoculars, a little bigger and bulky than normal, with which you can tour the city and the Carpenter film, revealing an unexpected reality. The device is designed to recognize certain ads, seen through the lenses, are automatically transformed into something else: a painting, a photograph, a phrase, whatever. The advertising medium, which can be anything from a billboard on a subway car is involved or directly deleted and diverted from its commercial function. Dumping the franchise becomes Fucking Donuts Donuts, the electronics chain Saturn becomes Art Sun logo, a savings is mixed with images of a house, the signs on top of the buildings have a message that says your Art here. The city is displayed as a blank canvas, as an exhibition as a narrative other than that we see every day. The possibilities are endless.


The finding of an obvious but widely assumed. The advertisements are messages privately owned and commercial, located in an area yet is collective in nature such as streets, plazas, walls of buildings or the urban landscape as a whole. Advertising not only privatize these places. Also becomes one-way communication media which function similarly to digital files read-only "recipients can consume only the passive mode and in no case are allowed to modify. Although we realize it or not we have used, our everyday experience of the city is mediated by a large amount of information whose significance is closed, private and unequivocal. The

Artvertiser subverts this logic at various levels. By eliminating the advertising noise, proposes a more active (interactive) in which the user engages in something like a conversation with the surrounding environment. Thus, returns to public space that corresponds to the language: that of communication open, multi-directional, capable of being re-written with many interpretations. Binoculars are also equipped with a wireless gateway, so that if there is an internet connection nearby, interventions can be documented and published online in real time, providing an alternative memory, changing cities. The Artvertiser modifications do not occur in the physical realm (the passers who do not use binoculars perceive no change) but on another level, the virtual, which thus becomes a new public space, perhaps the only possible as the city is gradually invaded by advertising. As digital vision device, The Artvertiser falls squarely into the category of what is known as Augmented Reality, but by its purpose, is separated from other initiatives elegance mediarquitectura or data visualization. This is not about increasing the amount of information but to alter pre-existing information to propose another kind of experience. Probably for this reason their creators prefer to speak of Enhanced Reality and even cited as one of their references the project "Diminished Reality" that aims to change the signs of roadside useful for personalized messages such as "Steve, you've passed the street, turn around."

So far, The Artvertiser has involved the Puerta del Sol de Madrid, Times Square in New York, Alexander Platz in Berlin and the famous corner of Shibuya in Tokyo featuring works by artists, activists and designers selected through an open call. The software currently only works with special binoculars and notebooks, but it is envisioned that in the future can also be installed in next-generation mobile phones or with a camera. The code has been created under Linux platform and, once completed, will be launched with an open source license.