This brioche prepared it for some time ... that time that caused a furor among programmable Forero Mundorecetas kitchens, all the world to prepare flower buns ... hehehe! It lacks the touch of the oven golden brown, because I did in my GM, but it was really good! The recipe is from my dear KISA, you can see his blog here COOKING WITH KISA
milk 75gr - 35gr honey
25g butter - 1 egg yolk
- 1 packet of bakers yeast (vahine)
- 250g bread flour
- 25g of orange juice (I put the juice of one large orange)
- Scoring an orange
- Chocotale to fill: chips, bits , what you like.
- Butter for greasing the pan.
- Egg coloring and brown sugar to sprinkle on top.
We all ingredients in the bread machine and program the program pin, 15-20min. we weigh the dough into the pani 1 hour.
We took the dough and knead to remove air. Cut into 7 equal pieces. I weighed myself to get out more or less the same weight. One I was smaller, so I put in the center.
Roll out each piece, put chocolate and rolled in, first we Churrito and the wind on making a conch fritter. We
inthe shells greased pan. Levar leave 1 hour or until doubled in size and stick together. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle generously with brown sugar. CAKE MENU setting
25min with valve our open pot. When it beeps if you want to brown them a bit in the oven, or else it sprinkled with icing sugar. is very rich of 2 ways ...
Hope you enjoy! besitos!

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