Today I present the queen of the Galician buoys in my house is the least favorite ... sorry for the baker, but no one is charged, so good to come out!
The first time I did, got only half the ingredients, if the experiment went wrong. In less than a week and repeated all the ingredients and did not last an afternoon bolla! It was so great that I came out of the oven tray, in fact, hit a little glass of the oven ... but I recommend it because there will be no crumbs!
The recipe is copied them to Sebe, Mundorecetas forum, and she in turn took it to MARIANQUIRÓS , I put my version with some variation, thanks to 2 for teaching us this delight!
anise 50ml - 200ml of milk
- 100g margarine tulip.
- 40g of yeast
100g sugar - 2 eggs
- 1 pinch of salt
- 650gr bread flour
anise 50ml - 50ml
water - 50g sugar
- 1 / 2 pint of whole milk.
- 40g. cornstarch.
- 80 gr. sugar.
- 2 egg yolks.
We all dough ingredients in the baking tray, liquids first, then the rest. Whisk the egg and leave it a bit to paint after the onion. Dilute the yeast in warm water a tad. We amassed a program, the mine is number 8.
When finished, (15 - 20 min depending on the machine) we get the mass of the bucket and give a round and flat with your hands. We put on a tray sheet lined with baking paper we painted with the egg and we do a few cuts with the knife. After the onion brushed with sugar moistened with fennel and oven levedar we templadito an hour, or until doubled in volume. While
lightness, make the pastry cream and syrup. For the custard recipe you can watch HERE . Will prepare the syrup by putting water and anise to cook evenly and then add the sugar. When sugar is melted Remove from heat and let cool. We put in a spray and set aside.
When the onion has doubled in volume, remove from the oven and put it to preheat to 200 º. We put the pastry cream into a hose and fill the cuts we've made in the onion with the cream. We put a bowl of water in the oven, to generate moisture and the onion is juicy. Bake at 200 º for 20-25 minutes, until golden, and immediately after removing from oven, sprayed with the hot syrup to absorb all the flavor of anise.
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