After a week without putting anything today I want to make it up ... with this delicious sausage and tuna pie! Prepare it the other day at my Aunt ROCIO, to release his bakery, I explained how to prepare the dough in the pani, and she surprised me with this padding, which at first I thought there was going to convince me, by mixing sausage and tuna, but after testing, removal I said! he's hot!
- 500g bread flour.
- 1 glass of juice filling.
- 1 / 2 cup of warm water.
- 1
pinch of salt FILLING:
- onions
- chorizo \u200b\u200b
- Tuna
We put in a pan a good splash of olive oil, where fry finely chopped onions with a little salt, until well pochaditas. Then add the crumbled chorizo \u200b\u200band sauté a couple of minutes. Put a teaspoon of paprika. We took the filling in a colander, to remove excess oil, which used to prepare the dough in our pie. We let the filling cool completely. We note the
our baking tray, a glass of juice filling, half of water and 500g of bread flour, plus a pinch of salt. Schedule a program for knead and scheduled 15 minutes.
We removed the mass of the pani, and divide into 2 equal parts. I weight, to take no surprise then and quen I get to cover the pie. We extend one of the pieces of dough in the shape of our cookie sheet.
extend the landfill occupies the entire surface. Then drain well a can of tuna in oil and demigamos above our filling. Stretch the other half of dough and cover pie ... We close the edges and brush with beaten egg.
We put in preheated oven at 180 º for 45-50 minutes until golden. Upon exiting the oven, cover them CONUN cloth moist, well drained, a few minutes so the dough out squishy y. .. enjoy!

usually put tracing paper on the bottom of baking pies, but my aunt uses a truqui ROCIO who taught her mother, Herminia, and adds a very rich pie. Pour a little juice filling inthe oven tray, then take a little flour and smears well entire tray and not get hit us pie.
Look at the face of my Uncle ELOY ... newly risen from a nap (probably attracted by the rich smell coming out of the kitchen ...) is set to test the pie, and the first bocao his face lights up! I think a picture is worth a thousand words, the first pie in the bakery ROCIO has been a success!
I hope you liked it! Kisses to all!
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