This Lassana is a favorite in my house is very simple and is delicious, the filling is the same as the TUNA CAKES . The advance you can prepare and freeze if you will, is a good resource to get ready and take a day who dont have much time to cook. I hope you will like it probeis chela! Lassana
- A can of tuna in oil.
- 1 onion.
- Flour (6 tablespoons)
- Milk (which allows)
- parsley and salt.
- Pasta plates for Lassana (Gallo)
- cheese to melt, type tranchetes (El Caserio)
- Grated cheese gratin.
- Tomato sauce.
to cook the noodles in water with a splash of oil and a pinch of salt. When ready drain on the left Kitchen cloths.
Chop onion and parsley in food processor or by hand very fine, and put it to brown in a skillet with a little oil. Salted.
When you add the drained tuna poached and flaked. We give a few laps and we put all the flour at once. Stir to mix the ingredients and we pouring the milk slowly.
The dough is ready when detached from the walls of the pan, making a ball, but it should be somewhat lighter than the mass of pellets for our Lassana Cream is good.
let cool a bit and let the filling, alternating a layer of pasta, stuffing, tomato sauce and tranchetes, and so to fill the chosen mold. Finally sprinkle with grated cheese and casseroles.
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