Saturday, March 12, 2011

Diva With The Hottest Boobs

only fear the unknown.

almal say good face, after the storm comes the calm always, but at the end of the flakes never change. Everything that goes up comes down, but water passing nomueve mills. That is not rich who has more, but who needs the least. elmundo also say that everything deserves a second chance, partesnunca but second was good; whoever mouth is wrong and rectify is desabios. we want is to and over who want Quequi can but who all want what lost, further that where there is no sepuede out. than non ventured, nothing gained, whoever follows laconsigue . Wakes up early pormucho not earlier, but leayuda God who rises early. picat That if you scratch it, everything that stings cure. That there is no more blind elque not see, than foolish words deaf ears but that entendedorpocas words good enough. disgusting that confidence. And who hesitates is lost, already know that trick lasapariencias and of course not is gold that glitters. And look if you want tediga Forewarned is forearmed, that if I have seen no meacuerdo, and that the dead king as king. That's better just to malacompañado, have friends but not hurt. They also say that a friend nose just around the corner, and better as the bad buenoconocido by know.


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