paste. Someone who I do it better scenes of jealousy, knowing that for me alone. Sepierda me someone to rescue me after a maze meaningless. Alguienque costume thing on my bad days, and become good. Secabree not if I do not understand, nor do I understand and dizziness. I remove the lenguacuando put me silly. Do not assume that I will be there forever, peroque not hesitate. Someone who can not walk with me down the street sincogerme hand, but not overwhelm me. Do not buy me with gifts, but has details.
not like me mourn, and I do not feel like laughing hastacuando. That from time to time decide chase through the streets, and know again. I look, I saw, and my legs tremble sinremedio. Someone who is crazy about me, and do not forget to tell me the Diasdado hangover. Do not get used to me, and stop inventing new names paradespertarme. If you look at another, then winked at me as if to say .. I tequiero you., And after this, laugh at my jealousy. And above all, and masimportante, do not have to lose to realize that I have found .
Bloggers, I'm finally here! Sorry for not appear all week, but I've tenidoproblemas at home with the Internet .. But well, I is that I aquí.No I have news to tell, as usual, the days go by, and porfin tests, this short week so far I have two, but they seem fáciles.Pero most important, is that here you return to holiday and llegacarnaval. What a joy it please! Are you all right? I hope so, I iréiscontando. Many many kisses.
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