Here I leave this simple, rich pastry cream. Ideal for filling cakes, pies, or even to take herself. If we reduce a bit the amount of cornstarch, we will be smooth and delicious custard ...
This cream is suitable for celiacs, because it has gluten.
(Gluten Free)
- 1 / 2 pint of whole milk.
- 40g. cornstarch.
- 80 gr. sugar.
- 2 egg yolks.
- 1 stick of cinnamon.
PREPARATION: We separate
half a glass of milk to thin it cornstarch and egg yolks. Mix well with a barillas to smooth. The rest of the milk we heated with sugar and cinnamon stick. Stir to dissolve sugar.
When it starts to boil, we remove the cinnamon stick and get back on milk the previous preparation (buds + cornstarch + milk). Beat with barillas and remove from heat. Continue stirring until thickened. Let cool cream and you're ready to use in our preparations, cakes, pastries ...
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