Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recurring Welts On Buttocks

feminist cyberpunk Laboratory

The top (you can see extended here ) Is my response to the invitation of the Media Library MUSAC to participate in the conference on free software , art and women held on 12 November. Some details:

The outline drawing I forgot the most important thing facing the dichotomy free software / woman, I am more interested to propose another: ethical hacker / feminism. From here, I pose the question of whether it is possible to think of an ethical hacker feminist and, if so, what its characteristics, most important of which, for me are: commitment to the public domain and idea of \u200b\u200bcommons; relationship with the community and counter-cultural dimension of the philosophy of free software and the hacker ethic (and I counter-cultural in every sense of the word).

reflection revolves around the idea of \u200b\u200b authoritative knowledge: if the history of science is (also) the history of the legitimacy of certain forms, certain channels and certain agents of knowledge production, I wonder how from feminism can offer-and-legitimize other forms, other channels and other agents (subversive, countercultural, emancipatory). It is ultimately a reflection on how knowledge is constructed hegemonic and the possibility of making tactics of feminist political action in an environment like the techno-scientific, openly white, rationalizing and patriarchal. Front authoritative knowledge, feminist thought says situated knowledge, a concept taken from the writings of Faith Wilding, who is opposed to the isolation of the object of study and proposes putting a dialogue with other parameters and levels of reality ( Who thinks, how, where, when and why).

The scheme does not include obvious issues as the relationship between gender and the knowledge society or the presence of women in programming computers. The reason is that I had to speak in third place after two people were going to explain much better than me: Carmen Castro, an economist, free software activist specializing in gender politics and author of Without a doubt, and Miriam Ruiz , Debian developer, Slashdot editor and consultant on issues related to FOSS in the Principality of Asturias. The mine can be read as a footnote on page to your presentations.

I started working on the intersection between gender and technology I think in 2004 so that this scheme contains some thoughts that either had not addressed then either I have been trying uncontrollably between lectures, articles, posts and more. For completeness, we recommend:
program ENRE / Dades, networking and action genres cyberfeminists , I organized in Barcelona in 2004.
materials The workshop cyberfeminism I taught in 2005 and for Emakumeak Feministaldia in 2006.
Text "Suck my code 2.0" Zehar published in 2007.
text "Notes on the Knowledge Economy from cyberfeminism " , City of Woman festival Ljubljana 2008.
The post "The Olympic sport of e-waste" on electronic waste.
The post "Why women are like chickens and chickens as women?" on subRosa work.
The post "The cybernetic body politics" on the work of Beatriz Preciado on "Testo Yonki."
collection of historical texts cyberfeminism Women's Network


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