Monday, August 16, 2010

Strip Tease De Mickiesjames

report on "Cultural Enterprises, Creative Industries and Employment Generation"

In addition to the conference on "Cultural Enterprises, Creative Industries and Employment Generation" organized by the Basque Government on 14 June in Vitoria, we asked the participants to elaborate on a brief assessment report . I copy my report below for archival and debate (which I encourage you to participate via comments to this post or on Facebook footnote).

More information about the program:
Presentation and complete program
Texts and communications of the participants

More information regarding the economics of culture (from the point of view of the bottom left): Cultivation of microbes
Zemos98 Sevilla 2010
For those enjoy working Madrid 2010
REU08 Andalucia 2010

Zemos98 REU08 for 2010.

My report: Industrial Thought

seems that the past keeps us from evolving. We still believe the economy (and therefore the economy of culture) in industrial terms, probably due to inertia old country has become rich with industrialization. If we are to remain competitive in the new scenario, we must take risks and updated. The case of Extremadura is totally contrary and paradigmatic: a region which, as has "nothing to lose," much more risk and takes to really innovative policies. Culture vs

cultural industries in general, the idea of \u200b\u200bculture that has been handled in the papers is economist and industry. There industrializable cultural sectors (cinema, video games, great entertainment, media, etc) but all are not. We need to understand the cultural in a way:
> Qualitative: intangible value of the creative, relational capital, lifestyles.
> Informal: value generated by the informal economy, Metal framed the cultural sector.
> System: although each has its specific subsector, think about culture as a whole, an organism or a flow system which increasingly go beyond the cultural sector itself.
> Micro: we know that almost all cultural activities are nano or micro-businesses (or not companies at all), let's ignore it. Culture vs

. Creative Industry
Throughout the day it became apparent confusion between, on one hand, cultural sector (in the traditional sense: arts, literature, entertainment, etc) and secondly, the "new creative economy" (innovation, wealth creation intangible, etc). It's a very contemporary confusion and nobody has yet found a recipe out of the mess, but we are aware of it. Culture, understood as a social laboratory of ideas, is to generate innovation processes but should not become a throwaway resource in the service industry. Be very careful with this. Culture vs

. Cultural entrepreneurship
The cultural entrepreneurship is a trick to overcome the reduction in public funding and outsourcing service (changing the logic of the grant by the contract). The economic reality of the cultural sector makes it difficult to start-ups.

methodologies obsolete
is worrying that a number of interventions have repeated the same argument, namely, "While we are no longer valid, still using the same tools of analysis because they are the ones we know." Serious work is needed to search for indicators (such as pointing Montserrat) because we poor indicators false false analysis and policy analysis do wrong. Public event

vs. Professional meeting Same
the workshop would want to kill many birds with one stone, combining incompatible objectives. For one thing, get some media exposure, and secondly to bring together a group of "experts" or professionals to reflect on cultural policies. In the end they are both half.

My proposal is that from the Department of Culture of the Basque Government to start working on policy design collaborative between institutions and the cultural sector. Already being done? Then we must continue in that direction and depth. There is a problem of budget and political will.


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