Anyone visiting Berlin before the Jan. 9 will still have time to look at the Martin-Gropius-Bau a sample as ambitious as its title, which means nothing Castilian more and no less than (attention, trumpets), "Knowledge of the world. 300 years of science in Berlin. "
Welt Wissen, as it is called in German, is an informative presentation for the neophyte who enjoys nibbling here and there or the tourist who does not want to spend the afternoon on the street sucking cold generous to the fetishist or specialist as it shows some parts and documents that would otherwise not have access, and superficial for anyone who approaches her with a desire to understand the perspective from which to address the issue. It nurtured one of those exhibitions, entertaining, but of commitment recommended (in fact is one of the highlights of the Year of Science in Berlin). As a restless spirit and info-addict, I left little satisfied; as a neophyte and fetish, quite satisfied, and highly satisfied as chronic whopping, because those days rondábamos 10 degrees below zero and it was so hot inside that I had to take off the second sock.
The sample is divided into two sections: one devoted to the history of science in the German capital since the eighteenth century, another to the various tasks involved in scientific knowledge. Although one of them, with their corresponding room was just the collaboration and exchange of information, and let the text very clear: fundamental to the progress of any kind of knowledge, "if you want to take pictures when you have to look no guards , because it is forbidden. The room in question had some interesting projects but harmless, as digital library of cuneiform , the digital archive of Latin literature Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum or online repository of European cultural heritage Europeana (which, incidentally, you can view the contents of which last few days is the world's most expensive book, sold at Sotheby's for $ 10 million: "The Birds of America" \u200b\u200bby John James Audubon ). On the impact of patents and intellectual property in the development of scientific knowledge no mention: not know / no answer .
My fetish I was especially pleased, however, in addition to the dozens of ancient tomes and charming, the films of the surgeon Ferdinand Sauerbruch , which investigates prosthesis arms and hands for amputees of the first great war and to promote their social base in Germany in the twenties. "Look, look, what skills a young crippled lights a cigarette, write a love letter to his bride and pours water from one bucket to another" . And you see, actually, moving with the agility of a truly amazing these wooden arms and fingers in his Manifesto anti- sexual Beatriz Preciado looks like the eve of the cyborg, when the machine is not only prolongs the flesh but will start to become flesh itself.
For its part, the section devoted to the years of Nazi brown ducks as usual but this time with an appeal even more astonishing: during that time there was no science itself, which it avoids making any reference to the surgical experiments on prisoners, programs extermination of the mentally ill, the persecution of Jewish scientists and dissidents, the implementation of eugenic ideology in all hospitals and research centers of the Third Reich or the use of "scientific" arguments to justify the implementation of the Final Solution. As everyone knows, that is not part of the history of twentieth century science. For the visitor to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow bad people and worse German scientists who were then (and do not sing much), there are two types of documents: pictures of burning books (oh, the very criminals) Image some of the 385 Rheinlandbastarde (children born the union of German women with foreign troops during the War) that under the National Socialist regime were searched and subjected to forced sterilization (385, how awful, and children above).
Well, those who regularly read this blog know that the author is a grumpy but actually passes it as a dwarf wherever he goes. The best: I got a good collection of images for stolen my animal facility, my herbalist and my cabinet macabre (three under construction). Some illustrating this post are of a different exposure, permanent Natural History Museum of Berlin , there is also forbidden to take pictures but it has better lighting and a guard much more vague.
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