I already missed ... I've been missing a while, for a personal glitches, nothing that time and a lot of people who love me will not cure! In return anything to get into the kitchen and publish a lot of good things for you all, I promise!
Today I present this award gives me my queridisisima Sebe, which I am very grateful for remembering me ... you can see if your blog here Sebe CUISINE Thank beautiful. Soon we shall see, the 31st July if all goes well! hehe!
Now I have to give this award to other cooking blogs, and it is not easy, because there are so many good ... I leave many without a prize.
So I make an exception and give this award to everyone who shares everything he knows about cooking with others, selflessly helping us when we have doubts about how to prepare a recipe, which advises that gives us courage when something goes wrong ... and invites us to try again, this award goes to all those people who, though we know them personally, have a huequecito in my heart!
vosotr To tod @ s @ s with great care, this award, I you deserve it!
Kisses to all!
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