Saturday, November 27, 2010

Woman Boob Tattoo Vid

science (fiction) and political drama

Following readings, comments and bar conversations about what I have been calling "my problems with the canon of science fiction."

Anatomy of a horse in Egypt, the fifteenth century (Library of the University of Istanbul)

colonization of the past: the palms

"When it grows on the edge of water, [palm] is called k̄ari'a , the palm tree that gives dates early still very young is called mahtajina , and muhajjna female tree is first fertilized by pollen from the male date palm. If bears fruit in alternate years Sanha called ', if the dates fall, still green when they are starting to mature ( Busr ), the tree is a Khadira , if the lower trunk has frayed and fringed the base of the branches ( karab ) loses the bark, the tree is a ṣunb̄ur (old palm tree that gives little fruit), if you lean and you have to prop it up, the palm is rujabiyya , if grown in isolation from other palm takes its name from 'awana . When the palm is still a mere outbreak called Fasil or wadiyya (young shoot of palm). When you log ( jidh ') has completed its development and bears fruit is jabbar, and when called high raqla or ' Aydan . "

This description comes of "Fiqh al-Lugha, a tenth century Arabic text that appears referenced in the General History of Science" published René Taton when occupied the post of director of the National Research Center Science of Paris in the sixties. The statement belongs to the chapter on medieval science, in particular the invaluable role played by Arab intellectuals in the dissemination of Greek texts with the help of some intermediate Syriac terms translated into Latin. These translations, enriched (and interpreted from) the exuberance of Arabic, will later be recovered by the Renaissance thinkers to become part of the pillars of what we now know as modern science. A job that, according to Taton, was not strictly philological, but that "often the occasion also gave a very favorable research development of the scientific spirit: the identification and verification of concepts. "

"Kitab al-Nabat" (Book of Plants) Dīnawarī Abu Hanifa (d.895 AD)

When I bought the work of Taton (for € 7 in a flea market in an edition of 18 volumes eighties hardcover, quite ugly) someone asked me what the point of reading a history of science written more than forty years. The question surprised me because the answer seems obvious. History (History) is a discipline concerned with telling what happened in the past but the way we tell ourselves what happened. The stories, myths, foundation-about how we got to be the most scientifically advanced civilization in the history of mankind are the same today as forty years ago: Greek philosophy, Alexandrian medicine, theology, medieval, Renaissance delivery, the Enlightenment rationalism, the discovery of magnetism and the invention of electricity, the theory of evolution, X-rays, psychoanalysis (Is psychoanalysis?), the theory of relativity, the atomic bomb, cybernetics, genetics, computing. All history is historiography. Addition content, it is interesting to look at the way they are presented: everything from the chronological organization and management of the chapters to the records of language, references and illustrations, tells of how we talk, how to interpret the past and we project into the future. All history is narrative fiction production concatenated.

The decolonization of the future: the Mahdi

Another text: a short essay on postcolonial theory teacher Salman Sayyid, published in the collection "Stitch and Split. Selves and Territories in science-fiction " (edited by Constant vzw Belgian group in 2004). In it the author proposes a peculiar view of the political mythology contained in a classic of popular science fiction, Frank Herbert's novel, "Dune" : when Paul Atreides, hailed by the natives of the desert planet Arrakis proclaims "You say I am the Mahdi, I say I'm his duke."

Dune is a work influenced by the aesthetics of Orientalism . According to this aesthetic, which like all aesthetic includes a policy that one side is the Western world, known, civilized, one from which everything else revolves, and secondly, the universe and more specifically Islamic East: unknown, exotic and hostile and whose existence is defined in relation to and in opposition to the former, which is the model reference. This binary structure preserves the relationship ethnocentric convention: There is There is the West and the Rest . In this sense, the universe of Dune, and the idea of \u200b\u200blooking statements contained in it, does not propose anything new, including Islam, but as static inheritance and subordinate, "as a Renaissance world marked by a legacy of which denies Islamized."

However, the dialectic between the figure of the Mahdi and the Duke introduced a nuance, that Syyid interpreted as an opportunity to break with the established order. The mahdi (دي "he to whom divine guidance") is a category of Islamic political system that breaks all the hierarchies that do not have their origin in virtue. The Duke, by contrast, denotes a kind of political authority of the feudal organization, based on the display of electronically transmitted hereditary privileges regardless of the intrinsic values, ethics or morals of the person you are granted. While Duke is worldly or earthly position, the nature of the Mahdi is not only divine but the messianic . For Sayyid, l a reference to the messianic, as transcendent as its own category (which goes beyond ), brings in the Islamic world in history and therefore in the future as it stands before to participate actively in the transformation of the world but also, more importantly, the authorized narratives of these transformations. The Mahdi arises and compromise figure that makes possible the return of history to a people historically deprived of it. The Herbert's Dune contain then a subversion of the political drama contained in the popular science fiction reverse the colonial view of history.

recolonization of this: the Duke

Atreides But, as we have said, he rejects the title of Mahdi, eliminating the possibility of historical emancipation of the Arab people and returning the world of Dune to the logic of the colonial or rather, of re-colonized. Islam is relegated to the Orientalist narrative cycle in which only one can imagine a horizon of political transformation in the context of records identified as Western. "It Interestingly, "continues Sayyid," in the vocabulary of the "war on terror," one of the parties referred to the conflict in cosmological terms, civilization, freedom, etc.., while the other-which often there is criticism that is solely motivated by cosmological-talk in concrete political terms, as the end of Israeli occupation of the West's support of Muslim tyrants, etc.. "

In your opinion, what the Atreides gesture suggests, it always is better to be a second-level sovereign West to be a non-western figure, even though this may have significance in the future of the universe. [...] The cost of favoring the Duke on the Mahdi means, of course, prefer the status quo to the possibility of a brighter future, but in the era of neoliberal consensus, the lack of willingness of the producers of Dune to pay that price should not surprise us. The consequence of all this is that popular science fiction continues to delay the decolonization of the future. "

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Karaoke Pads Do They Work

Barber today and always: the mane

Does it sound something this guy's hair? Indeed. The haircut, and that from here recognize immediately is not an invention of street violence or a stylistic residue of radical Basque rock, rest in peace. It is, as I discovered recently in the exhibition Basque Museum of Bilbao photographer dedicated to Eulalia Abaitua , "the distinctive hairstyle of the household head in the Arratia valley Biscay, to survive until the beginning of the century XX. "

Put bluntly round the street, this hairstyle is called "combing violence", which does not mean that they use all borroka, not only borroka. Although popularly identified with the environments of the nationalist left, the mane is a stylish accessory with its own life jumping from one head to another as lice, or memes (although unlike them, mutate, mutate is said, has not mutated much). In any case, it is an undeniable element of our youth alternative culture - Yoho This really is news! - Has its roots in the most genuine masculinity Basques.

Those not here (mole self-referential that we use only the here not to break the horns with national-geographic classifications and administrative, each more slippery than the other, in this country of ours that performativity is a laboratory of the self that you laugh, cause the postcolonial epistemology transidentitaria) those who are not here, say, probably will not grace anywhere. I hope yes here is to see, and pray to the saints and the Virgin of Begoña to not offend me.

Looking at Google I discover that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, literature about him, except a message Forocoches (with photo illustration of the current version, which is identical) and a text Kaosenlared . net, under the title "Los hombres de Paco in Granada in search of hippie command" say a story published in the media in 2008 as the serious which "searches Interior Granada ETA's command that operates in Málaga by the ease of terrorists to blend in with the environment 'hippy' in the city" (as is). Even in the Uncyclopedia is mentioned, and that it contains an entry called "violence" in describing Precision built and "eusko humor" clothing characteristic of alternative young Basques. Neither the dictionary of the SAR echoes real meaning (the social) defines the term as mane simply "lock" or "long hair" (but also identifies it as "lion mane" what is already closer to the haircut we're talking about.) Does appear on the web however Word Book dedicated to the spanish terms endangered, which collects the same meanings of the SAR but complete with a quote from the novel by Juan Luis Cebrian "The Russian" . (Apparently, that one word out in a literary work there makes but thousands of young people to honor in its manual of style even if you know, no, curious).

I venture to interpret the patriarchal genealogy of the word, from the head of "head of household" to date. Not have the foggiest idea where start. In any case I have made clear that if the term is in danger of extinction, the thing referred enjoys excellent health. Returning to the subject of the tripping of youth aesthetics ( what the revolution nerd and all that), I encourage cool-hunters who visit this blog to proclaim now for next season's return to the catwalks of the Fashion mane "with Leticia and the other as fashion-icon star. Forward comrades, if ye could with the Palestinian, this is what you have chupao.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Recurring Welts On Buttocks

feminist cyberpunk Laboratory

The top (you can see extended here ) Is my response to the invitation of the Media Library MUSAC to participate in the conference on free software , art and women held on 12 November. Some details:

The outline drawing I forgot the most important thing facing the dichotomy free software / woman, I am more interested to propose another: ethical hacker / feminism. From here, I pose the question of whether it is possible to think of an ethical hacker feminist and, if so, what its characteristics, most important of which, for me are: commitment to the public domain and idea of \u200b\u200bcommons; relationship with the community and counter-cultural dimension of the philosophy of free software and the hacker ethic (and I counter-cultural in every sense of the word).

reflection revolves around the idea of \u200b\u200b authoritative knowledge: if the history of science is (also) the history of the legitimacy of certain forms, certain channels and certain agents of knowledge production, I wonder how from feminism can offer-and-legitimize other forms, other channels and other agents (subversive, countercultural, emancipatory). It is ultimately a reflection on how knowledge is constructed hegemonic and the possibility of making tactics of feminist political action in an environment like the techno-scientific, openly white, rationalizing and patriarchal. Front authoritative knowledge, feminist thought says situated knowledge, a concept taken from the writings of Faith Wilding, who is opposed to the isolation of the object of study and proposes putting a dialogue with other parameters and levels of reality ( Who thinks, how, where, when and why).

The scheme does not include obvious issues as the relationship between gender and the knowledge society or the presence of women in programming computers. The reason is that I had to speak in third place after two people were going to explain much better than me: Carmen Castro, an economist, free software activist specializing in gender politics and author of Without a doubt, and Miriam Ruiz , Debian developer, Slashdot editor and consultant on issues related to FOSS in the Principality of Asturias. The mine can be read as a footnote on page to your presentations.

I started working on the intersection between gender and technology I think in 2004 so that this scheme contains some thoughts that either had not addressed then either I have been trying uncontrollably between lectures, articles, posts and more. For completeness, we recommend:
program ENRE / Dades, networking and action genres cyberfeminists , I organized in Barcelona in 2004.
materials The workshop cyberfeminism I taught in 2005 and for Emakumeak Feministaldia in 2006.
Text "Suck my code 2.0" Zehar published in 2007.
text "Notes on the Knowledge Economy from cyberfeminism " , City of Woman festival Ljubljana 2008.
The post "The Olympic sport of e-waste" on electronic waste.
The post "Why women are like chickens and chickens as women?" on subRosa work.
The post "The cybernetic body politics" on the work of Beatriz Preciado on "Testo Yonki."
collection of historical texts cyberfeminism Women's Network